
目前显示的是 一月, 2017的博文

DATA | Solar PV in 2016 and Opportunite in 2017

S olar PV is no longer the domain of just a few developed countries after it saw significant progress in almost every continent on the planet in 2016. Only Europe, the original bastion of solar, has struggled to reignite its matured PV markets, but even France and Spain could be markets to watch out for next year, especially with Spain’s 3GW of solar and wind auctions due. Latin America Argentina kicks off:  Argentina is a latecomer to the explosion of solar across the globe, having been tarnished with an awkward reputation among foreign investors and boasting just 8MW of PV installations to date. However, a new pro-business president, Mauricio Macri, and the launch of two well-handled large-scale tenders could catapult Argentina into a respected solar market. A previous attempt at tendering renewables in 2010 nose-dived with zero project completions, so the big question will be whether any of the latest awards can translate into solid projects. Mexico boa...