Trend| 2017 Make Solar Great Again

         Against all odds, Donald Trump is going to be the next president of the USA. What does this mean for the global development of renewable energy? 
After all, he claimed that climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese, and he promised to abolish the Clean Power Plan, cut subsidies for wind and solar and support non-renewable sources of energy. But there are two reasons for me to believe that the development of renewable energy will continue:
1. It’s economics, not governmental regulations or subsidies that drive clean energy today
The U.S. Energy Information Agency has analyzed that “new coal-fired generation plants are not economically competitive with renewables and other generation sources, as reflected by the near absence of new coal capacity additions over the 2015-40 period, even without an assumed extension of tax credits for renewables.” Accordingly, wind and solar have been the two biggest sources of electricity added to the U.S. grid since 2014, and utilities have announced plans to disconnect 12 GW of coal plants over the next years as solar prices continue to fall.

(c) Earth Policy Institute/Bloomberg
2. Solar is one of the largest creators of jobs in the U.S.
Solar currently adds jobs at a rate 12 times faster than the overall economy, making it one of the fastest-growing industry categories. The Solar Foundation found that the U.S. solar industry has doubled in size since 2010 and now employs more than 200,000 people - three times as many as the coal mining industry and more than at Google, Apple, Twitter and Facebook combined. Solar is popular in both Democratic and Republican states.
So if a stronger economy, affordable energy and job growth are part of the plan to Make America Great Again, I’m confident solar will play a big role.
U.S. Solar Power Just Had Its Biggest Quarter in History
Some great news just came in. According to the U.S. Solar Market Insight report from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and GTM Research, the U.S. solar industry just had its biggest quarter in history. 
The price of solar has plummeted in recent years, and prices keep coming down, despite already being lower than ever. Just from Q2 to Q3 this year, the cost of residential solar fell 5.1%. In another first, Q3 2016 was the first time that the average cost for a residential solar system in the U.S. fell below $3 a watt. There have always been regional differences, but the country as a whole has never enjoyed such cheap solar.
Large corporate customers have also gotten on the solar bandwagon, ramping up procurement of offsite wholesale solar projects.

Figures for Q3 2016

Annual U.S. Solar PV Installations, Q1 2010 - Q3 2016. Source: GTM Research
Annual U.S. Solar PV Installations, Q1 2010 – Q3 2016. Source: GTM Research
Some details on how solar did this past quarter:
  • The U.S. installed 4,143 MW of solar PV in Q3.
  • This was an increase of 99% over Q2 2016 and 191% over Q3 2015.
  • On average, 1 new MW of solar PV capacity came online every 32 minutes.
  • Between Q1 and Q3 2016, solar accounted for 39% of all new electric generating capacity that came online in the U.S. That put solar power in second place for all new generating capacity brought online in the country.
  • By the end of Q3, with the year not over, the U.S. had already broken its 2015 solar record.
  • California became the first state ever to add more than 1 gigawatt (GW) of utility solar PV in a single quarter.
  • Community solar was part of the growth in Q3. More community solar capacity was added in just Q3 than in all of 2015.
  • GTM Research forecasts that 14.1 GW of new solar PV installations will come online in 2016, up 88% over 2015. Over 70% of that new capacity will likely come from utility-scale solar.     
    What do these numbers show? Solar is here to stay.
    This should come as no surprise. Solar power does all this and more:
  • Saves money
  • Increases a home’s value
  • Creates jobs 12 times faster than the rest of the economy
  • Helps the environment
  • Saves water
  • Promotes energy independence
  • Boosts national security
Plus, we have enough solar for everyone. The sun is our most abundant resource, shining enough rays on the United States every day to more than power us for 10 years. This is not a resource we need to fight over — there’s more than enough for everyone on Earth.
So in this time of so much uncertainty, let’s be glad we have something to celebrate. Let’s keep solar power shining strong!

Make Solar Great Again ,Make the World Green again ! 
New Year is Coming, Keep forwards in 2017 .

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