My name is PV ,I am Solar Man !

My name is PV, I speak for the PV!

Chinese name: 光伏
       English name: Photovoltaic (pv)
·        Alias: solar, photovoltaic power generation

     Photovoltaic(PV): Solar electric systems use solar cells to convert the Sun's radiant
energy into electricity. This is done using a principle known as the photovoltaic effect. Using solar technology, we are able to "capture" the Sun's radiant energy and convert it to either heat or electricity. According the system type, there have on-grid and off-grid system.

 My name is PVThis is my story

      The history of photovoltaic energy (aka. solar cells) started way back in 1876. William Grylls Adams along with a student of his, Richard Day, discovered that when selenium was exposed to light, it produced electricity. An electricity expert, Werner von Siemens, stated that the discovery was "scientifically of the most far-reaching importance". The selenium cells were not efficient, but it was proved that light, without heat or moving parts, could be converted into electricity.
       .In the late 1950's and early 1960's satellites in the USA's and Soviet's space program were powered by solar cells and in the late 1960's solar power was basically the standard for powering space bound satellites.
       2007, China became the largest producer of solar cells in the country, production in 2006 jumped from 400MW to 1088MW
       As of the end of 2015, China's total installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation reached about 43 million kilowatts, more than Germany to become the world's first. In addition, the photovoltaic industry is the force of "going out." National Energy Board data show that in 2015 the export of photovoltaic cells and components to reach more than 25 million kilowatts, exports reached 14.4 billion US dollars.
     2016 , The world’s renewable energy capacity is now higher than coal.
     As a professional SOLAR MAN, I was so proud !
     Cowin Solar Market Vision:To provide affordable green energy for all .
     We make the word better. 

My name is PVThis is my family!

 PV mainly including the PV modules, inverters, photovoltaic racks, cables, cabinets, monitoring systems, boost systems and other components..


       According to the type of photovoltaic cells, PV modules are divided into: polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules, monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules, thin film photovoltaic modules, concentrating photovoltaic modules and so on.

Polycrystalline Solar Panel

Monocrystalline Solar Panel
 Thin Film Solar Panel

Concentrating Solar Panel

Double Glass Solar Panel

PV inverters are divided into: centralized inverter, string inverters, distributed inverters, micro-inverter and so on.

Central inverter

String inverters


PV mounting is divided into: a fixed bracket, adjustable bracket, track bracket. Tracking-type stent is divided into: full-axis tracking, oblique single-axis tracking, flat single-axis tracking three categories.
Fixed bracket
Adjustable bracket

 Full-axis tracking bracket
Oblique single-axis tracking
Flat single-axis tracking

 My name is PVThis is my application !
      Photovoltaic power generation system applications with the system cost decline, the continuous development of the first from the ground power station gradually developed to the PV surface, photovoltaic agriculture, photovoltaic forestry, photovoltaic fisheries, photovoltaic mining, photovoltaic roofing, photovoltaic walls, photovoltaic curtain wall, Photovoltaic car shed and other application forms, photovoltaic power generation and all walks of life have collided with a large number of sparks, can be said that photovoltaic power generation is a treasure, all walks of life indispensable!
They become part of our life .
Let us sum up a bit of photovoltaic and other industries combined with the case for your reference:
PV …?
Ground - based photovoltaic power station

Water- based photovoltaic power station

Photovoltaic fishing

Photovoltaic farming
Photovoltaic cultivation
Photovoltaic greenhouses

Photovoltaic industry
Photovoltaic Mining
Photovoltaic high-speed road
Photovoltaic roofing

Photovoltaic wall  

Photovoltaic curtain wall
Photovoltaic ceiling lighting     
Photovoltaic carport

Photovoltaic aircraft   

Is there any other creative solar application in your life ? 
Yes ,sure 

Solar DC Refrigerator Freezer


 Home use off grid system

cowin solar


 Solar Aircraft for Car 

  My name is PV ,I would like bring happy to everybody
Do you have any other solar product which intersting and creatable ?
Do you have meet any problem when choose /install /design solar power system ?
  If yes ,leave your message below , we will try solve your confuse . ---- SOLAR MAN .
 Cowin solar :To provide affortable energy for all .





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